Tuesday, 21 June 2016

A2 Question 1

Question 1 - How have you used digital technology to complete your production work? (A2)

How have you used digital technology to complete your production work?

In my opinion digital technology was vital in the success of the production of our thriller opening "Closed Doors". We used digital technology in all three sections of the production process - Pre-Production, Production and Post Production.

We used digital technology in the Pre-Production stage to create a storyboard for our thriller opening, digital technology enabled us to produce a storyboard very quickly and it was good because whenever we made a mistake or wanted to edit it, it was very straight forward to change it. Digital technology was also very useful for the Pre-Production stage of the process because it meant that we could do our own research into things to help improve our opening. For example we took time to research well-known production and distribution logos, this was useful because we got ideas from these production and distribution logos which helped us when it came to us having to make our own logos, and i feel that without doing this research our logos wouldn't have come out as good as they did. We also used digital technology to set up an online survey which a lot of people completed, the survey was related to what we could do to make people watching our thriller opening enjoy it more. If we didn't have digital technology then we would've had to find some way to make a physical survey which would've been a much longer process. 

We also used digital technology in the actual production of our thriller opening. Firstly we used a camera which was used obviously to the film the thriller opening. On the camera we also had a camera lens attached to it which was very beneficial as it made it easy to zoom in and zoom out whenever we wanted to which was very useful. Whilst filming we also used a microphone which again was attached to the top of the camera, this meant that the sound quality of everything was much better than it would've been if we didn't use the microphone. We also used a bright light which was used to light up the names of the victims on the wall, the light was important because the location that the thriller was set in was very dark and therefore without using the light it would've been impossible for the audience to read the names.

Finally we used digital technology in the Post-Production stage of the production process. We used a program called Final Cut Pro which was used to add things to our recorded version of our thriller opening and more importantly we used it to put all the shots together to make one final version. Using Final Cut Pro we added sound effects such as screaming and background music to make the audience watching our thriller opening feel the suspense just that little bit more. We also used this program to add text into the film, we added the names of the people involved in the production of the opening and included them in their own individual shot so that the audience didn't get distracted by it when Janith was walking etc. We also used digital technology to upload the final version of our thriller opening onto Youtube so that people could view it and so that we could import it onto our blogs. 

To conclude i feel that digital technology was very important in the production of our thriller opening and if we didnt use digital technology our final version of our thriller opening would've been much worse.